the n on my keyboard is broken

I was trying to go to canva this morning, but it kept going to cava.

I realized my N key is slightly pushed out, making it harder to push down. So to get the “n” letter, I had to push much harder.

Why is it human nature to only otice when things are wrong?

Dennis Prager calls it the “Missing Tile Syndrome.” We don’t notice perfect ceilings, only those which are missing some tiles.

And teachers (and principals!) are probably familiar with this too.

So many times we get feedback or text messages of “please call me” when something went wrong, but how often do we get texts when everything is working out okay?

Two quick takeaways:

  1. I was originally going to canva to share the Pesach Haggadah - ICYMI, here it is. Happy to answer any questions.
  2. And the more important one: If you’re a parent, take a minute to text your child's teacher and principal a thank you. Or text the educator who inspired you to be one! (or both!) It means the world. You know that!


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Ever Growing Educator

If you love teaching, learning new things and bringing creativity and engagement into your classroom, then you're an ever growing educator, too. HI! 👋🏻

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